Watch: The Volunteers of Hope, French Forces from Guadeloupe Worked Together Beautifully Following Irma

There’s no question about it, there has been a massive amount of work done all over Saint Martin since Irma ravaged the island. But the people of the island have kept their spirits high, which can be seen in spades at Sint Maarten’s Princess Juliana Airport.

As work continues all across the island, cruise ships will soon be returning to Philipsburg, and things are slowly starting to feel normal again. Of course, the locals on the island will tell you that their normal was different pre-Irma than it is now, post-Irma. And there are still plenty of people, kids, families that need a helping hand.

As hard as things have been for those who’ve been there, through it all, the locals have shown incredible resilience and are remarkably thankful of all the outside assistance they’ve received.

And as important as it is to keep looking forward, to continue to be positive for a bright future, it’s also important to look back in appreciation of what this island has been through and what it took to get to where it is today. Here is a great video that does just that. It was created by CitronMer Communication and it shows French forces from Guadeloupe hard at work following the storm, working to rebuild and recover.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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Jon Ferlise

I fell in love with the island of Saint Martin the first time I visited to celebrate my 40th birthday in May of 2009. Since then, I've spent most birthdays there, and have visited countless other times getting to know this wonderful place and the friendly locals that make it so special. I adore the culture, the people, the community, and the beauty of this stunning island. SXM Strong is a website that I started to support humanitarian relief efforts following Hurricane Irma. There was no plan, it just evolved as I witnessed the devastation that Irma caused the island and the huge need to communicate and disseminate information about what had happened and how people could help support this island and its people.

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