Votes are In and You Might Be Surprised to Find Out Winner of Best Beach Bar in Saint Martin

In case you missed it, a couple weeks ago I decided to ask you, the readers, to vote on the best beach bar in Saint Martin. I mean, it only makes sense to ask patrons to vote versus just picking my personal favorite and declaring it the winner just because I’m the guy who gets to write this stuff. Right?

To recap, I listed my five favorite beach bars on the island, along with some pictures, a video and description of each of the bars. On my list were Calmos Cafe, Rainbow Cafe, Pedros, Captain Frenchy and Sunset Beach Bar. And yes, this was a pre-Irma question mainly because every one of these joints was hammered during the storm and none of them came out unscathed.

The good news — for me at least — is that I’ll be back in Saint Martin in less than a week and that will give me the chance to survey things for the first time since the storm hit. I’ll report back exactly what the conditions are for most, if not all, of these and other beach bars. And expect plenty of video and photos too.

As for the results, they might surprise you.

Coming in with the most votes for best beach bar in Saint Martin was Calmos Cafe. This delights me because I’d have to agree that Calmos is definitely worthy of such a distinguished honor. I’ve spent a lot of time there with the family, watching the sun dip into the sea while the water soft tickles my toes. Yep, it is (was) a pretty great place.

But let’s not be silly. While Calmos Cafe is definitely a great place, all of the bars I listed are fantastic spots to spend an afternoon. Coming in second place was Sunset Beach Bar. Honestly, I was a little surprised that Sunset didn’t garner the top spot but I guess that goes to show how savvy our readers (that’s you!) are when it comes to their beach bars. So while the spread was only a few votes, I consider it more of a landslide because, while everyone knows about Sunset Beach Bar, you’ve gotta travel to Grand Case to find Calmos.

Also making the list was Driftwood Boat Bar, KaKao, Karakter, Mr. Busby’s, Kontiki, Captain Frenchy and Buccaneer Beach Bar. Speaking of Buccaneer, that’s also where we’re having the SXM Strong Holiday Cheer meet up on Wednesday, December 29. Be sure to swing by if you’re in the area!

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