SXM Travel Update: Winair to Offer Special Flights Between Curaçao and Sint Maarten

Princess Juliana International Airport has slowly been showing signs of recovery since Irma hit. There’s a lot of work going on at the airport with the focus to have it open to serve commercial flights as soon as possible.

Today, Winair has announced that they will be offering special commercial flights between Curaçao and Sint Maarten. There will be a fee charged if you want to travel on one of the flights, although there was no mention of how much it would cost.

There are three roundtrip flights planned on the following days:

  • Thursday, October 5
  • Saturday, October 7
  • Tuesday, October 10

No times have been announced yet.

The flights are being flown specifically to repatriate citizens of the island who are residents or who have valid residence permits. Flights traveling to Curaçao will carry 130 people and flights to Sint Maarten will carry 145 people.

As of now, these are the only flights scheduled. If any additional flights are added we will let you know. To book the flights contact Winair directly at 721-545-4237 or book through your travel agent.

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  1. My boat sank in St. Maarten during the hurricane and 2 friends died on the boat. My friend David and his wife died but their daughter Nayseth miraculously survived. She is in St. Martin staying with a family who have been very kind. She has nothing, no clothing, no shoes etc. I am in Aruba but I need to get to St. Maarten asap so I can take care of Nayseth. She and her mom and dad had been living on my boat for 2 years in St. Martin.
    My number is 297-742-7056. I have not been able to contact Winair. I keep calling with no response.
    Your help will be sincerely appreciated.
    Michael Doyle

  2. Hi, MIchael. I’m so sorry to hear about your friends. I can’t imagine how difficult that must be. I’m thankful that their daughter survived but it must be terribly hard for her. Please give her our condolences.

    To book the flights to/from SXM/CUR you can go to the Winair website. Here is the link –

    I hope that helps. Thanks for writing.

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