Sand is Back on Maho Beach (YAY!!), Driftwood Boat Bar in Full Swing

Cruise ships finally returned to Sint Maarten this week, bringing the first real sign of tourism back to the island three months after Irma hit. As eloquently described by journalist, Alita Singh, “The outflow of passengers makes me think of a life boosting I.V. drip for a patient – each foot that touched my home St. Maarten from the Viking Sun today was another strengthening drop!”

Boy, if that doesn’t make the hair stand up on the back of your neck, I don’t know what will. Seeing that cruise ship docked in Philipsburg reminded us all just how delicate life on Saint Martin can be. One drip at a time.

Of course many of those cruise passengers will be making their way around the island, some of them to Maho Beach to take in the thrill of an airplane roaring overhead. By now, most of you likely have seen the pictures of Maho Beach without the sand, striped down like the rest of the island by Irma.

Below is one photo of Maho Beach just after Irma, followed by a second taken from a similar location just yesterday. You’ll see a big difference, with sand covering about half the beach now.

Photo via @Riley_Mcc Twitter
Photo via Irving Maduro

That’s a big improvement and just goes to show that even mother nature loves Maho Beach!

Driftwood Boat Bar

It always seems like Driftwood Boat Bar gets overshadowed by Sunset Beach Bar, but that’s mainly due to the press coverage Sunset has received, not to mention it’s large commercial feel. But if you want a true beach bar experience without the commercial, Disneyland feel, you need to check out Driftwood.

Driftwood is a small, quaint place that’s usually packed with locals and people who’ve been visiting the island for years. Because of it’s smaller size, it’s been able to bounce back more quickly than Sunset, which lies about 200 meters across Maho Beach. In fact, the beach picture of Maho above was taken from Driftwood, as well as the pictures below.

As you can see, Driftwood has been open for a while now and is back in full swing. If you’re planning to visit the island in the future, be sure to swing by Driftwood. You’ll be glad you did!

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Photo via Irving Maduro
Photo via Irving Maduro
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