Must See Video: Car Flips Over in Sint Maarten as Video Rolls Filming Air France SXM Departure

I've seen a lot of crazy stuff, but this one takes the cake

This is something you don’t see every day, or ever for that matter. Daniel Jef is shooting video of an Air France flight as it prepares for departure. Sunset Beach Bar is open so there are plenty of people looking on as the aircraft lines up for takeoff.

Suddenly, there’s a commotion as Jef pivots the video to see what’s going on. Only to find a car has just flipped over. People come to the aid of the victims and help them out of the overturned vehicle. It looks like everyone got out ok, thankfully.

And then, after all that, Jef pans back to the aircraft and catches the majestic bird as it takes flight. This is an incredible video, check it out!

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