SXM Local Update: Mobile Health Bus Location, Garbage Disposal, Bus Drivers Meeting

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope it was a good weekend for all. As the days go by, progress on Sint Maarten and Saint Martin continues to get made. Day by day, things are progressively moving forward, but there is still a monumental amount of work to be done.

Here are a few local notices from the government of St Maarten:

  •  The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (MECYS) is holding a mandatory meeting for members of the school bus association and owners of school buses that provide services to MECYS. The meeting will be on Tuesday, September 26, on the first floor of the new government building at 2:00pm. Prior to the meeting, all school bus drivers are being asked to submit an assessment of each of the busses to assist in determining the safety and operational status of the fleet.
  • The mobile health bus will be in the Pointe Blanche District on the main road in the vicinity of Intermar Shipping on Monday September 25th. The bus will be opened from 9 AM to 11 AM and from 12 PM to 2 PM.
  • Proper garbage disposal is a very important part of the cleanup and rebuild effort. Garbage should be separated into three categories: Household garbage (which goes in the large bins), large debris (which goes next to the large bins), and zinc (which should be laid in a separate pile next to the bins).
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