Orient Beach Update – Nearly Two Years After Irma: Kakao Beach Bar and Restaurant (Video)

As Orient Beach comes to the end of this, it’s first full phase of recovery from hurricane Irma, we take a look at the third newly reconstructed beach bar and restaurant called Kakao Beach, or better known as simply KKÔ. Another longstanding beach bar that has been present on Orient Beach for over 20 years.

Kakao is on the northern end of Orient Beach close to Esmeralda Resort. And, as you’ll see in the video below, they’ve also done a great job rebuilding after Irma wiped them away. As you saw in the videos we recently published showing Kontiki Beach and Bikini Beach, Kakao is mostly constructed with wood and stone, a perfect compliment to the natural surroundings of Orient Bay.

The look and feel of Kakao is all natural, like the use of driftwood for the support beams, the beach loungers and the couches in the restaurant area. Such a nice open feel to the place. And very inviting from the beach.

As with all three of the newly reconstructed beach bars on Orient Beach, lounge chairs on the beach run $10 each and include full access to the outdoor showers and restroom facilities. We spent the day lounging with our two young boys and the facilities were absolutely wonderful. We showered off and went to dinner in Grand Case. It was really simple and a nice way to spend the day.

Of course, with there only being three beach bars currently open on Orient, the days of getting a drink included with your chair seem like a distant memory. And the wifi doesn’t stretch down to the beach anymore, like it used to pre-Irma, but I assume that’s just a matter of time before it does again.

The real story here though is just how well the rebuild has come thus far. That holds true for many places around the island, not just on Orient Beach. Be sure to venture over to Pinel Island to see how things have shaped up there. The crew over at Karibuni and Yellow have done a wonderful job rebuilding from scratch. We’ll save that for another post. For now, enjoy the video of Kakao.

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