Back in Business: A Look at the First Flights that Landed Yesterday as SXM Reopens (Photos/Video)

There’s no question about the significance of Sint Maarten’s Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM) when it comes to tourism in the Caribbean, with nearly 300,000 passengers that passed through the airport in 2015 on their way to another island. And never has the Caribbean been more in need of tourism than in today’s post-Irma world.

On Tuesday, October 10, 2017, SXM reopened for the first commercial flights since Hurricane Irma hit. It was an historic day and a major milestone on the way to recovery for not just Sint Maarten and French Saint Martin, but for all of the Caribbean islands that were affected by the devastating 2017 hurricane season.

Prime Minister William Marlin and tourism officials meet and greet the first passengers coming off a Winair flight:

Delta Air Lines flight from San Juan, Puerto Rico arrives:

American Airlines flight from Miami arrives:

Trans Guyana Airways flight arrives:

PAWA Dominica flight arrives with pilot waving the Sint Maarten flag in a show of solidarity:

Please help rebuild SXM and give today. Click here to visit the SXM Strong donate page. Thank you!

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