Prime Minister William Marlin has been giving nearly daily updates on Laser 101 FM since Hurricane Irma hit the island. Last night he provided another update and following are some highlights from his address. The full audio file is located below, after the text.
General state of the island
- Relief was delayed due to Hurricane Jose
- Credit is due to all of the volunteers who are tirelessly working to help
- First sign of recovery was when Telcell got back up
- Next phase was when UTS and Laser 101 got back up
- Curfew is now partially lifted between 8 am to 3 pm
Gas Stations
- Two Gas stations have been opened to the public:
- Tackling in Cole Bay
- Delta Petroleum in Dutch Quarter
- There are strict limits on the amount of fuel you can buy
Food supplies
- All major supermarkets that can open will
- The following supermarkets will be open today
- Prime Distributors in Cole Bay
- Market Garden in Simpson Bay
- Red Fox Supermarket
- Best Choice
- Quality Foods
- Sunny Foods
- People’s Supermarket
- Food 99 on Bush road
- Y & M Market
- Super Two and three
- Lucky Star
- There will be restrictions on number of people allowed to come into stores
- Further information on relief distribution should come later today
Water distribution, utilities
- GEBE has started distributing water via water tanks
- Manifolds have been opened in various locations
- Cay Hill (former Cake House)
- L.B. Scott Road (Cake House)
- L.B. Scott Road (at the screen shop across from Star Mart)
- J. Yrasquin Blvd, on the way to Pt. Blanche (across from Lenny Priest)
- Hope Estate (across from the housing complex)
- Guana Bay Rd.
- Water pipes going into homes have been damaged and need to be repaired
- Electricity is slowing coming back on
- Water on in Hope Estates
Trash news
- Trucks will pick up your wreckage, trees, etc. organize it curbside (seperate it)
- Temporary dumpsites for community cleanup efforts have been set up
- Individuals should leave trash on curb and separate
Here is the full audio from the update:
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