SXM Travel News: Air France Adding Flights, Bad News From Royal Palm and Flamingo Beach Resorts

Air France will begin weekly non-stop service from Paris to SXM on Saturday, December 23, 2017. The flights will operate every Saturday through March 23, 2018. Starting on March 24, 2018, flights will operate daily until April 30.

Read more on our SXM Flight and Travel Information page.

This is great news for many reasons, not the least of which is that it shows there is growing confidence in the status of the recovery in Saint Martin. Sure, things aren’t perfect yet but it’s certainly getting better. We posted an aerial drone video of Grand Case earlier today and an article from SXM Angie about the inside view on the island. Two posts that really help show what’s going on in SXM.

Diamond Resorts update

As much as the locals have been doing to clean up after Irma, it doesn’t change the reality that the big hotels on the island sustained a lot of damage from the storm. And now, the latest update is more bad news.

With nearly all of the big hotels on the island looking like they’ll be closed through most of 2018, the hotel room inventory will continue to be vastly reduced throughout the following year. There’s still no word from some of the resorts, like the Westin.

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