Sint Maarten Hotels and Car Rental Facilities That Are Open For Business – #SXM

That was just about the most straight-forward title I could come up with, something to convey the message that there are hotels and car rental facilities that are open. I know, I know, it wasn’t very creative but hopefully it got the message across. I’ll try harder next time…I promise!

I’ve been asked if I could find out if there were any hotels and car rental agencies open, so I checked a few resources and called around to several hotels and car rental facilities to find out which ones are open and taking reservations. The following list is what I found out.

Please keep in mind that while hotels may have availability their facilities are generally in disrepair due to hurricane damage. Don’t expect luxury amenities like you’d normally find, you’ll get a dry, comfortable room.


Princess Heights Luxury Condominiums & Hotel
156 Oyster Pond Road, Dawn Beach, St. Maarten
Call 1 721 543 6858 to make reservations

Commodore Suites
Welfare Road 109, Simpson Bay, St. Maarten
Call 1 721 544 3110 to make reservations

Baker’s Suites
Spinel Road #2, Simpson Bay, St. Maarten
Call 1 721 544 0095 to make reservations or visit the website

Travel Inn Hotel
Airport Rd #15, Simpson Bay, St. Maarten
Call 1 721 545 3353 to make reservations

Simpson Bay Suites
3D Billy Folly Road, Simpson Bay, St. Maarten
Call 1 721 544 4441 to make reservations

Car Rental Agencies

Call 1 721 545 4541 to make reservations or visit the website

Dollar Thrifty
Call 1 721 545 2393 to make reservations or visit the website

Call 1 721 545 3327 to make reservations or visit the website

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